Chocolate Chip Wooden Spoon Cookies
Five pastry puffins on a plate surrounded by picnic items
Two packages of King Fresh Hazelnuts on a serving platter, each with a bowl of hazelnuts next to them
Raise Some Dough
Raise some dough
for your group with
Oak Tree Fundraising
Butter Braid Pastry logo

Over $10 million raised since 1999

Wooden Spoon Cookie Dough logo
Helping Groups Reach
Their Fundraising Goals
Since 1999
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Our Mission:
Oak Tree Fundraising is dedicated to providing quality products and services to others.
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Sweet and simple fundraisers

Run simple fundraisers with your school, sports team, nonprofit, or community group. You'll raise money and your supporters will get to experience our delicious products.

Earn a terrific profit

Raise money quickly and easily! Your group earns a 40% profit on every item sold with our great fundraising options!

Save time with our online tools

Say goodbye to mailing in your order forms. Now you can tally, review, and submit your order forms online using the Group Leader portal!

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